Response to Dr. Michael Peterson on Open Theism
OUTLINE 1. Introduction 1.1. Definitions 1.2. Thesis 2. Do Relationships Require Risk? 2.1. God with God 2.2. Human with...
Response to Dr. Michael Peterson on Open Theism
PH605 Final Paper
Flaws in Dawkins’ "The God Delusion"
Does Young-Earth Creationism Conflict with Science?
Against Open Theism
Must Clarence Eat the Omelet?: A Response to Open Theism
Evidence for Human Evolution or Fake News?
Where did Young-Earth Creationism Come From?
The Meaning of "Election" According to Romans
The Doctrine of Human Will
Review of "The Global Church"
How to Disciple Bible College Students
The Value of the Virgin Birth
The Early Church Against Open Theism